SMART International

Business Challenge
SMART is a non-profit community created for people seeking a self-empowering way to overcome addictive problems.
- Transom provided full design, implementation, maintenance, administration and support of the infrastructure, apps, and communication channels.
- Our full services included: Server Administration, Hosting Services, Application development, Infrastructure Incidents resolution and performance optimization.
- A new strategic plan to help guide SMART in the five-years ahead
- New websites launched
- New and improved tiered online facilitator training structure
- GuideStar Platinum status achieved
- Number of SMART meetings triples over past 4 years
- IT audit resulting in new/improved IT support and processes
- Online meetings platform updated to display slides with tools and helpful information
- Family & Friends meetings crossed the 100 mark
- Meetings held in correctional and military/veteran facilities, schools, hospitals, and treatment centers continue to expand
- 2,500 meetings worldwide – a milestone that seemed unfathomable as recently as 10 years ago